
A Blog about life... jewellrey...and beads...

Depression and my Lampwork was published!

I was featured in Stringing Magazine!
Here is the March 2012 Issue..
the beautiful necklace with my 
Lampwork is featured here below in pics

Gaea created this lovely Pretty Pastels
necklace in the March 2012 Issue. It's so lovely isn't it?! My purple  bead is on the Right side and below see pics..

Ok maybe just ONE bead but I'm so happy never the less!! Thank you Gaea for featuring my purple dotted Lampwork bead! 

I've been depressed for so many months at least five. Some people say turn it into creativity but I'm just not very good when depressed! Ive tried picking myself up but all that called me was my bed. Is this me? No but maybe we have to be go through a Season to become whole again? I don't know. I wonder how many other people have this happen where they do nothing for a long time. Does it help doing but maybe there is a hidden secret in the healing process? I have seen people create and create and chug along and that made me feel like the cake that fell in the oven too. But I'm so thankful its lifted and I am feeling alive again. The air is so freshe and I see the grass coming green gives so much hope doesn't it? My close friends GaeaBirgitta and Patty have spoken such kind words to me for encouragement. Thank you my friends you are so treasured!

So maybe its only ONE bead but I am in Stringing Magazine! Lovely Gaea made  this beautiful necklace that is in the new March 2012 Issue. 

Thank you for commenting on my last few blogs when I was so unable to post on yours.
There is always hope..
and this was my gift..