Friday, May 20, 2011

Give~aways are Great! Check this one out!

Andrew Thornton is hosting a really great Give~away! Hes giving away a Beaducation class on Metal Fold Forming. Go to his page and check this out!

I've recently taken a Beaducation class and they are just great! You get unlimited access and you can order whatever tools you need from any class. They have alot of classes and instructors. So get on the case and click on Andrews link!


  1. Great to know! I have always wanted to take an online course like that but fear that I would never get around to it... I do like to take a class in person. But to know that you can do great things with their teaching tools is a great review. And that whole fold forming thing mystifies me. I would love to win that! Thanks for sharing, Janet!
    Enjoy the day!

  2. Hey Miss Erin! Me too I think the very best way to learn is from watching and doing. Nothing like it! But my friend Kimberly from Bahama Dawn wow she took a class on bezels and for the low cost shes making beautiful bezels now. The cost was/is so low compared to some high fees now a days etc. But its all good good.

  3. Janet, your blog is a santucary, so glad to know it's here. I can sit, go through it and find a bit of solace.

    I've always been interested in beads and wanted to know how to make jewelry. My kids and I use to be members of The Houston's Gem & Mineral Society. My son at one time was a little Rock Hound—he.

    The roasted roses sound interesting! Will be back to visit again.

  4. Angela Ive thought about joining, thats wonderful I bet your kids loved it!

    Take good care Angela and rest in His peace and Grace bc HE knows what HE is doing! xx


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