Saturday, May 14, 2011

My Daughters opened a new banner Shop and I am still making beads and where is Singingwoods?

 I thought I would show you what my lovely Daughter Jenny made for me! 

A little STORY...
When my kids were very young my X and I lived in this really sleepy southern town of Summerville SC. To get to my parents house we would drive through the older homes part of the small town. There were all different small sweet homes with alot of big pines and gigantic oaks with moss in the trees. (it was really such a sleepy beautiful little town outside of Charleston SC) One house had this black wrought iron sign that swung in the wind up on a pole that said “Singingwoods”. I always loved that the people named their home that name and I never forgot it. Thus came my Blog name Singingwoods. Some things are never forgotten and are deeply plowed into our hearts! 

She has her own shop at Etsy and makes wonderful banners!
Her Shop name is Three Little Pixels HERE
She is very talented check her out..and tell her Janet sent you!

Count your Blessings that you woke up Today and that you are Blessed with sight and a working body..these things in themselves are Miracles..

I'm still torching and there isn't a day that your on the torch that you don't soak in SOMETHING..

Here's a peek at a necklace I was working on..
See my shabby chic Lampwork beads I made to go with (Gaeas) ceramics? 
It feels so good to finally do something of my own 
being more self sufficient! 

Well its getting late and tomorrow comes quickly with vinca flowers (can withstand heavy hot sun) and black mulch to put in too. Then torch time..

and God Bless you!


  1. Sweet! - Love the name story . Congrats to your daughter too! Have a wonderful weekend Janet : )...I am sure you'll be working on beads....

  2. your daughter's banner is awesome!!!! hope you get lots of torch time in this weekend!

  3. LOVE the new beads you're making. I'd like to buy a few!! Good luck to Jenny!

  4. Aw, so glad you like the banner! Those beads are so lovely!

  5. Love that sneak peek! Can't wait to see the whole thing. I love Gaea's beads!
    Enjoy the day!

  6. Gaea said...
    Congrats to your daughter! She does do lovely work! I love your "Singingwoods" story too! And your necklace? Wow! Your beads are just so cool!

  7. The beads look awesome! I can't believe I haven't touched a torch in a little over a year. My friend is really, really this time going to come over on Thursday and help me hook it up -- let's hope it really ISN'T the oxygen concentrator that's kaput and the new torch will fix all my problems!

  8. Thank you guys!
    Kim yea Jenny makes some nice things, just give her a holler if you need any help etc.

    Kathy you sweetie ox

    Theres my daughter there ~ Kaozz!

    Erin thank you! I see you have new charms out grrr my husband said today "wheres all your money" I was like errr!

    Thank you Gaea and Lori. Lori is that why you havent torched you had some problems right? Oh yea Im hoping too its not your oxygenator. Its easy for the days to gallop on and no torching I know! Ill be happy for you when you start again.


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