Monday, May 23, 2011

If I can do can YOU. My Lampwork and beautiful Sari ribbons..

Here are MY Lampworked beads from Singingwoods! Ive come so far but that's not an in your face statement. Ok theres women's lib and pride, but because my husband makes some real green backs and I didn't I was relying on him to set me up into Lampwork. Ive come from begging "yes begging" for all of the equipment and his real fears to a fire or blow up to a milestone, and Ill tell you it feels just grand. So no matter never let go to what your dream is..what YOU want to do. Never. Its taken me 3 years to get everything together and buy this and that. It is costly too (a pair of glasses to torch with are $60.00), but we can do things in stages cant we? Sure we can. Ive probably said all of this before, but when we finally "see" things happening there sure is Joy in the morning. So I'm sharing my Joy here! Here are some beads I just made! (so far Ive done maybe 6 firings)  My goal in time, and this takes time.. are birds, berries, star and some jellyfish. But we set out goals don't we? Woot and you know what maybe religions not ok for some but I really believe that the Lord is SO good, He says He hears prayers and He said He will give you the desires of your Heart..He sure did me. I will always be so thankful and grateful! 

So I just bought a chair and I cant wait to use it for the no more back aches. Ive also been waiting for Sari ribbons to come in. I guess I bought alot?! But you don't really know who's is better and so on. I bought from two suppliers. One I liked better. But all in all the ribbons are beautiful. HamptonArtisticYarns were lovely, but I was a tad more partial to xxxcookie. Both can be found on Etsy, and both have very good prices. 

I know alot of pictures! 

So now to clean up the house or do I torch?
Umm torch and try out the new chair..

Have a lovely blessed day


  1. holy moly that's a lot of ribbon, lol
    I am religious too and I feel we are given what we need at the time we need it. So if believe that it took so long to get your setup because you weren't ready for it yet :-)
    Apparently I am in no need of a fully finished kitchen at the moment, of the last 6 years, ahem.
    Shannon C

  2. That is a LOT of ribbon. So yummy and soft! I love the vibrant colors and the way these will look so great with the lampwork. Your beads are beautiful! When will they be for sale?
    Enjoy the day!

  3. Your beads are spectacular! So happy you got all things and now you are ready to go at it! the ribbon is so beautiful, such bright colors, love it!

  4. Is it possible to write happy??? Congrats they are really beautiful and the ribbon is yummy! Looks like you are off to a great start! XO

  5. Goodness me! Yes, that is a lot of ribbon. I am sure the suppliers were also praising the Lord!!
    Jokes apart, the ribbons look great, and those beads are quite nice, so I can't wait to see what will you do with the both together.
    As for how prayers get answered, I totally agree, and I have one prayer right now, and I do pray hard that the Lord grants me this one, but as soon as possible, as I don't really want to wait three years or so for mine.
    Enjoy, and yes, please be careful with the torch!!

  6. Wow! That's alot of ribbon! Janet, your beads are progressing beautifully! They are gorgeous! I'm asking the same question as Erin "When will they be for sales?"

  7. Janet, I love your positive attitude. I agree, there's nothing wrong with working on our goals in bit at a time. That's how I operate too. :-)
    Your beads are great - look at those colors and shape! You are making strides in lampworking - seems like yesterday when you went to pick up your equipment.

  8. Its so nice so see really lovely comments! Thank you bc they are treasures!

    Shannon I guess I didnt need the torch etc but I sure wanrted it & begged 3 plus years lol. Your next!

    Erin I know I did buy alot! I had greedy eyes didnt I! But well now I can pick a colour and torch to match them..and that should be cool! Erin I have to clean them again and will list them in a few days Ill keep the blog posted.

    Thank you Yoly! I love the feather and Owl bead on your Blog will they be for Sale?

    Patty it feels good to be happy and write; to be happy period such blessings we all have xx

    Noemi your prayer sounds exciting! Have faith! He is so good!

    Sally I need to go over them again to re~clean as I just strung them quickly today for their photo shots. I will sell them in the next few days and will announce it. Thank you for asking too..


  9. Ooooh, I hope you chose to torch! The beads turned out lovely and the ribbons are beautiful shades that you chose :)

  10. As the photo opened, your lampwork beads were shockingly beautiful to view, Janet. Truly Beautiful!

  11. Good for you to follow your dreams, even if it took a few years!

    Love the lampwork beads and the silks!!!! Thanks for sharing the links.

  12. Janet! I am in awe of your! When will they be for sale? Just beautiful!
    You are amzingly inspiring and kind, and thank you for all of your kind words, I so appreciatte that!

  13. I am so excited for you! The beads are just divine and I your pile of ribbon is delish! YOU GO GIRL!

  14. Everything you do is beautiful. I just looked at several posts, and I always admire your work, Janet.

    I'm late visiting from my post last week (still recuperating from an old injury which has kicked up again), but despite my tardiness, I still wanted to thank you for your sweet comments. I appreciate them and you more than you know.



  15. Stunning!!!!!!! I love your beads!


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