Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Where do the days go? Its Bead table Wed and I thought it was Tuesday

Lampwork beads  my Little Pink fingers made on Bead table Wednesday..

Where do the days go? How could Tuesday of slipped by from under my glance?
Well Bead Table Wednesday it is and here is what Ive done and am aiming for Lampwork beads that I can live with and love. Ive made a series of beads to match this focal (above pic) I bought from Birgitta Lejonklou. I have to say I'm quite enamoured with the results and I can now string something together using my Own beads that I made. Super happy about this now!

Who doesn't love love love Shabby chic beads? Well Ive been doing a study trying to make some glass Lampwork ones to look like ceramic ones. Not bad I say! I see a nipple kind of on one of the dot ones that wasn't melted in like it should of been. Practice practice. Michelangelo started some where too I say smiling here. 

My Son moved and we did alot of work moving him in. You should see this place Good golly it looks like Shangrala! (someone said the other day.."what does that mean" I must be getting Old!) That is the word for paradise. I think I need to move to his apt. Its like hes living in a resort wow its a beautiful place!

And he did it all by his self almost! We helped him a bit and bought him this set too.
Wow I'm happy for him...but do miss him.

At least hes nearby around the corner and a few blocks away..

This is what he looks out this beautiful Palm lol gee nice..

A present from us! My husbands forked out a fortune on my kids so I'm esp proud that my eldest did all of this on his own almost.

Have a great Wednesday!

May the Lord bless you!


  1. What a lot of beautiful beads!
    Must be lots of fun to create them :)
    Hope to see what You make...

  2. Your beads are so nice! You are getting really good, then again you started out doing really well!

    Aw, he's not too far from you only a hop, skip and... well you're already there ;)

  3. Janet, Those beads are amazing. They look like they were made by a seasoned lampworker. I know you are very proud of your son. It's almost as much fun to watch them become independent functioning adults as it was to watch them learn to tie their shoes!

  4. I adore the colors of those beads! They are the perfect choice for summer in their vibrant hues.

    That's funny about Shangrila, but I agree, that's a wonderful view. God is good!

    And speaking of God, I'm wishing you a Happy Easter...


    Sheila :-)

  5. Thank you guys! Ive just started Lampwork and they arent bad beads if I can say so myself! Its a pleasure to Lampwork! Thank you for yalls comments xx

  6. You are so much better than I am at that!


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