Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Bead table Wednesday!

It's Bead Table Wednesday once again and here are my new beads from Janet the beginning Lampworker! Lots of dots..I think I will be doing dots forever! But I will work on other things too. Dot placement in the beginnings are tricky. Even dots, all the same dots, even placement even tho you thought you placed them right, gads but Im determined to get there! I can really appreciate Lampworkers who do beautiful things because they have worked long and hard. Its alot of work and learning curve!

Heres my work table and my Sons furniture in the back. My Son is moving out on Sunday. He was such a sunny spot in the house! I will miss him alot, but he will be right around the corner. Man I love my kids..

My new glass I won from my Lampworking guild on Sunday at the Auction (you can read about it here). Im so thrilled!

This is a great book and a  great help with Lampworking..

What is your bead or craft table like today?

Thank you for stopping by!


  1. I wish I could tell you, Janet, that I have been crafting... the only thing I'm crafting right now are tablescapes for some company who is going to visit this weekend. But I guess that's crafting, and if you could only see my kitchen counters! YIKES!

    Your craft area looks so organized! I'm proud of you! And I enjoyed seeing everything!


    Sheila :-)

  2. All of a sudden it's a mess - I am glad I took pictures of it in it's prisyine condition cause no one would believe me. The beads look pretty awesome BTW!!! Go Janet : )

  3. Beautiful beads, Janet...I imagine it must be difficult, but you seem to be mastering the process.

  4. Your dotted beads are great. They are so well crafted. I have tried making glass beads a couple of times and it is not easy task to get even a round bead!!

  5. What awesome beads, Miss Janet! I didn't realize that you did that. I would love to try my hand at that one day, but I fear that my brain is too full of things right now for me to even introduce something like this to my life! Enjoy the day!

  6. Mary and Erin Ive just started Lampworking recently! Soooo these are beginner beads! Bear with me. I told a Lampworker friend yesterday that learning Lampwork is like going to college without the books! Its a long road and alot of practice! But am determined..very determined! One fine day you will see berries and some other goodies..but not for a good bit.

    Thank you for yalls comments it means alot!


  7. Janet, you are doing fabulous! When I tried lampworking, it was soooo hard for me to get even (nonwonky) beads! And yours are perfect already!
    Best wishes for your Son and his move! I'm glad to hear he'll still be nearby though.

  8. Janet! Your beads look great! You are doing a fabulous job!

  9. Thank you! My new bead table Wed is up now! xx

  10. Hi there, we live in Arkansas and the hummers start coming around about this time of year. i just love watching them! I hope you get some soon...

    Your son's place is amazing! Thanks for your visit!


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