Sunday, April 24, 2011

What Easter means to me and days gone by..

Here we are a long time ago celebrating Easter!

My brother Russell and I here in our Easter finest!

This brings me back to my childhood where at Easter time the crocus' were coming up and the dogwoods bloomed with the azaleas. Mom dressed us in our finest Sunday clothes. Mom and I wore pretty Easter hats and we wore patton leather shoes and our outfits wouldn't be complete without our white gloves (mine to the wrist and Moms to her elbows). That was exciting! The freshness of everything and the growth of death to life even was in the nature around us. 

We would wake up and find our Easter basket full of chocolates behind our bedroom doors. Then my brother and I would go out into the living room and have to find the Easter eggs, which continued for hours. We had such fun.
Then on to church in our finest and home for a wonderful set table of china, tall water glasses and soon to be bowls set with wonderful foods! We picked up Grandparents and what a day we had. I'm thankful today for the parents that gave me gifts of good memories. Years later I carried on my Mothers traditions but had fresh eggs from my chicken house. Later on the adults played cards..what great days!

But to me and much as I love the bunny's 
and chocolate its all about the Lamb 
and not the Bunny!

This is the bunny cake my Mother made every year
(pic taken from the internet)

And this is the fine china set of "Beverly" I have today..and it says made in occupied Japan! My Mother used with the bunny that adorned our table

Wont that be grand day when the lion lies down with the lamb? But according to scripture one fine day this will happen. And what a day this will be! We celebrate Easter in our home by celebrating Jesus death on the cross that we all have a chance at eternal life!

The Easter Parade

What shall I wear for the Easter Parade?
A dress that's the colour of marmalade
With a border embroidered
in light blue cornflowers
Like the edge of the meadow
after spring showers
And a matching hat round
as a top you can spin
And an elastic to hold it under my chin
And brand new shoes
whiter than newly poured cream
With heart shaped buckles that gleam;
And Ill carry a small purse
0f butterfly blue
With a penny for me and a penny for you
To buy us both glasses of cold lemonade
When we walk, hand in hand
in the Easter Parade

William Jay Smith

Happy Easter!


  1. Happy Easter Janet, love the old photo and the cake picture. I think my mom made one once!

  2. Happy Easter! Thanks for the memories... I remember the Easter hat, white gloves and white patent leather shoes! ... and now that I am older it is a blessed day because "He is Risen"!

  3. Oh I remember the patent leather shoes too!!! Such a great picture Hope you had a Happy happy Easter!

  4. Janet, thank you for sharing your Easter memories. I think the day you described sounds much like our day today! :-) We had a jam-packed day today as well starting with the kids searching for their baskets, church, and a community Easter Egg hunt....then a long drive home from the beach.
    Your Mom sounds like such an amazing person to start all of those wonderful traditions (like the bunny cake!) and the create memories that will always be cherished.
    Happy Easter!

  5. I love the cake -- one year, my birthday fell on Easter and mom made a coconut bunny cake. And the egg hunts -- one year we had one at my grandmothers (may have been the birthday one!) and she forgot to boil one of the eggs, or it didn't boil or something, because it rolled off the TV stand and broke and yolk everywhere!

  6. Thank you you Angie, Marian, Patti and Cindy you sweet peeps! Easters the Best! What would easter be without Love? Lori sorry but I had to laugh about the egg!


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