Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Bead Table Wednesday! Ive been away forever..

Bead Table Wednesday !

My husband recently bought me this desk and I just love it. Husbands are the chocolate chips in life aren't they?! But I cannot seem to keep it clean, and work often times one project looming into another with NO clean up in between. I seem to cook like this too. Yikes..

My Mother made this doll many years ago, but by the look on her face if I don't clean up later a revolt might be in order! Next to the Metal Clay book are some door knobs we picked up from Hobby Lobby. They have such beautiful door handles and I could of spent a fortune!

I have been very sick, but am on the tail end now to getting better. I have not blogged in ages.. it makes you wonder how missed you are so I hope I was! I had a CAT scan done to another possible problem which turned out fine nothing wrong and so my heart rejoices! But still have to go to a specialist to see that all is still well. It is a worry and ones mind starts traveling to even not being around anymore. So I have been in my own prayers! 

Meanwhile I did get my lovely Bead Soup beads and I will blog about them next! So this is what I have done recently..
something for Spring here..


The focal was designed by Martha Eason of 
Menagerie Studio. Ive used pink and green jade
and pretty buttons. Its amazing what talented people do with polymer clay as she did in her focal..its so pretty I think.

It seems when I make jewellery my whole house starts slowly to copy my desk! Anyone else have this problem? Its always about money I need a workshop away from the house lol. I guess I will be content with what I do have..and I am.

I hope everyone is getting less sick and the snows are melting. I dream of robins and the smell of fresh dark soil and of the tulips and the warm breezes. Thank you for those who come and read my blog are appreciated!

Have a great day


  1. Janet, how lucky you are to have a husband who buys you such a great beading table. Like you, I'd love to have my own studio, but money is always an issue.

    I love the colors of that lovely necklace. It puts me in the mood for spring.

    I'm so sorry you have been so ill. You are in my prayers!!!!

  2. Thats a very cosy work station! I am jealous! I love your necklace its so pretty.

  3. So sorry to hear you were sick. I had the ick too. I love that pendant. Her work is so clever. That is a wonderful place to work!
    Enjoy the day!

  4. Love the necklace. I was working with buttons a lot and got away from them. I wonder where I hid them, you inspired me to dig them out and work with them again. Glad to hear you are alright!

  5. Barbara Lewis February 16, 2011 9:06 PM
    I hope you get to feeling better real soon. I love the photo of your desk ... the mood lighting is amazing. The necklace for Spring is perfect!

  6. BahamaDawn said...
    Hi Janet!!! so glad you are back to blogging and feeling better :) i love your little nook for creating!! and yes i have the same problem in my studio....i make a creative mess, dont clean up, make another creative mess......and this keeps repeating until i cant stand it anymore!
    LOVE LOVE LOVE that necklace you made. The focal is beautiful!

    February 16, 2011 3:58 PM

  7. Glad you are feeling better!That is a very cute desk - Nice storage. I just bought the same 2 bird houses at Michaels!!!! The necklace is beautiful I love the spring colors.Husbands are indeed the chocolate chips - mine bought me a printer scanner -YEAH!!!

  8. Yes you have been away a while and I was just about ready to assemble a search party. Whew you are ok! I am sending healing thoughts to you so you can get back to normal! Hugs!

  9. sharon February 17, 2011 3:01 PM
    A really gorgeous necklace Janet...just beautiful!! So cheery!!
    Thank you so much for your kind words, and I am sending you prayers that you are well also.

  10. Barbara Lewis February 16, 2011 9:06 PM
    I hope you get to feeling better real soon. I love the photo of your desk ... the mood lighting is amazing. The necklace for Spring is perfect!

  11. Thank you yall! I moved some comments! They were put in the last blog comments! ox

  12. What a wonderful blog you have!! Thank you so much for your kind visit so that I may visit you. : )

  13. Hello friends,

    Thanks for sharing your experience. It is really benefit for all. This pink and green jade necklace looks so pretty and cute. Its my favourite jade necklace. Keep it up always!

  14. Janet, I love that quote, "husbands are the chocolate chips in life!". :-)
    Your new necklace is beautiful & great photography!
    Looking forward to seeing your bead soup!


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