Sunday, January 23, 2011

Birgitta Lejonklou is having a Wonderful Giveaway!

What a lovely Giveaway!

  Birgitta Lejonklou is having such a wonderful Giveaway and these Beads are just Sublime!
Britta's celebrating 2000 visits to her Blog posts. This is a Must to check out wow I would Love to Win these.. all of these beads are so earthy and seem to tell their Own little story! Check Britta out HERE!
A lovely and generous Giveaway!


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog Janet, and taking the time to comment!

    Hope your Sunday is supremely blessed!

  2. Thanks for letting us know of this unique giveaway!

  3. They are really wonderful! Thanks for the heads up am going to check this out!
    Marsha R

  4. Janet, what a gorgeous group of components! Thanks for sharing a new artist with me as I was not familiar with her work. :-)

  5. Janet~ Thanks for the info on this one I am going to check it all out now!

  6. They look like little travelers and they can all tell a little story! lol

  7. OH my those are yummy! Thanks for the heads up : )

  8. Thanks guys! What a marvelous Giveaway!

  9. Thank you for visiting me the other day....those buttons are adorable!!! Off to take a peek. xoxo Happy new week to you. xoxo

  10. Hi Janet!!! so glad you are back to blogging and feeling better :) i love your little nook for creating!! and yes i have the same problem in my studio....i make a creative mess, dont clean up, make another creative mess......and this keeps repeating until i cant stand it anymore!
    LOVE LOVE LOVE that necklace you made. The focal is beautiful!

  11. I hope you get to feeling better real soon. I love the photo of your desk ... the mood lighting is amazing. The necklace for Spring is perfect!

  12. A really gorgeous necklace Janet...just beautiful!! So cheery!!
    Thank you so much for your kind words, and I am sending you prayers that you are well also.


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