So this is where me and my Man will be going June 5th!
Firstly I want to say how very Happy I am so overjoyed! Ive waited so very long for this day! Ive PLEADED with my British man for so long to get me my Lampworking tools, and he has finally relented to go shopping for them! I have done alittle lampwork but not much. Wow such a Dream come true and I am so very Thankful! He often talks of going home to Scotland but if we cant do Lampwork there I would think twice about Not going lol. Really. Life is really hard over there. Simple good lives we take for granted over here in the US are hard to obtain over there. Believe me I know it Ive lived there 4 years with him. Moneys not spent as easily in Britain as jobs don't pay as much even if its a real good job. I would say it is 2 to 2 1/2 times harder to get ahead in Britain than here.
So today I spoke with the owner Rose of Blue Moon Glassworks in Austin Texas about all of my supplies, and she has set aside everything. So awesome...I will count the days until June 5th! We went over everything and thank my Lord they are only 3 hours away. I cant wait to also speak with her about proper Metal punches for copper etc. To go to a FULLY LOADED store is going to blow my mind lol. I will have to contain myself. Really.
Maybe sometimes some of us have to wait and pay their dues? I've bought alot of lovely Lampwork for a few years now. There are some Awesome Lampworkers out there! Now may God give me the gift of my hands to be fruitful!
So here's some of the friends I will be coming home with!
Many artists have been where I am right now and many lampworkers. But we all have to start on the road SOMEWHERE! I have always really beiieved that the Lord said He will give you the desires of our hearts if we really sought Him. And today I'm so very thankful for all of this and His promises!
Must get ready for work now...thank you for stopping by...
go out and have a great day!
God Bless you!