Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Time to get BUSY and The Sisterhood of the Traveling Bead Box

You ever just want to kick your OWN hind quarters? Well I do. Despite big changes in my life and I'm not feeling so great sometimes.. I've told myself today Janet you've just to get back to work. The world waits for No One. And today it is clearer than ever..

The New Year is here and I will get back to my Lampworking I must crack my Own whip because if I don't make this happen No One will.

So I've made some Lampwork which is here and in my Shop here. I've got some pictures of Birgitta Lejonklous Hedgehog necklace its so Earthy and sooo pretty isn't it? She makes such beauty with her ceramic focals! And here too is her bracelet..and they are all Mine! Yey. Here is her Shop.

As far as The Sisterhood of the Traveling Bead Box it is lost officially LOST or was Stolen never to be found. I'm so sorry for that because it was just GREAT because it was Legend. Heather Powers many Thanks to her for the Box as she started it..

My Lampwork at Etsy
and Birgitta Lejonklous beautiful work..


  1. OH no, I hadn't heard that about the Traveling Bead Box, what a shame. It had a good long run and I knew I hadn't hear anything about it for some time. Sad.

    I'm in the kicking my own self in the behind mode now too. Slowed down a bit during the holidays now having trouble revving back up.

  2. You have answered my question about what happened to the box! If it is lost ,then a new one must be started! New,but better! The old one must pass into the land of myth and legend! I am hoping to start a UK based bead box this year and will keep you posted on progress! Happy 2012,Anne.x

  3. That's too bad about the Traveling Bead Box! I've had a few things gone missing in the mail lately too. Maybe the postal service is just too overworked. Ahh, such is life.

    And speaking of life, I hope yours gets better very quickly!

    Take care!

  4. Glad to see you again Miss Janet! I think that we all need a kick in the rear right about now. I am trying to put away years of baggies of beads. or donate them. Or chuck them entirely. Enjoy the day!

  5. Noooo! So sad to hear about the TBB. Can't another one be started? It was such fun to see where it went and what it had.


  6. Those beads are beautiful Janet maybe sold now ??
    Thank You for showing of my jewelry !
    That bead box was fantastic...but we from over here could not be in on that one Im sorry to expensive shipping..
    xxxxooooo hope this Year will bring lots of joy to You <3

  7. Thank you for your kind comments!
    No its not sold yet Birgitta maybe soon?! May the Lord bless and give you great joy too love..♥

  8. I was really sorry not to get the box. I'd waited a long time for it and was so disappointed. Oh well, maybe I can be included next time.


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