Saturday, September 17, 2011

I Have Re~DONE my BEAD SOUP!! Todays is the Day!!

The Big Reveal
Hi everyone! I want to say that I have Re~done my Soup!! The top picture is my Soup I did today. My husband and my Son said "look what you did that's ugly". Then I had an anonymous comment that said I was promoting my Lampwork. My intention was not to cover up Davinia's pretty focal. I felt so bad. Here is my Re~do. And you know what this is much prettier! What was I thinking? Here is Davinia's focal on a much prettier necklace. Yey.
Thank you Davinia for your lovely beads!

This is HOW my Post started before I re~did it..
This GREAT day has finally arrived..with 362 marvelous women's Bead Soup! Lori Anderson you ALWAYS Bring it! Thank you for so much hard work..ox

Davinia Algeri of Back Pocket Designs. Davinia is my partner. She gave me a right chuckle when I first saw her Blog she described herself as:
 Wife, Mother to two KIPPERS. (Kids in Parents Pockets Eroding their Retirement Savings!) I love that! Davinia makes lovely polymer clay focals and beautiful jewellery. Be sure to go by Davinias page to see my own Lampworked Beads that I sent to her and what she did with them!

** Also a Give~Away at the end of my Blog post here**

Ok here's what Divinia sent me for my SOUP:

My NEW SOUP folks..

Here is the OLD one..
the one above is so much prettier!

Here is the list of all the participants:

Bead Soup Blog Party Partner List in pairs :
The Hostess, Lori Anderson and her partner, Manuela Wutschke

1. Aimee Wheaton and Barbara York

19. Anna Sabina­­­­ and Erin Siegel

If you do not know..I am having a 2 part Give~Away
for the The Sisterhood of the Traveling Bead Box!
This Give~Away is on my Previous Post.

This Give~Away ends Midnight Sunday September 18th Central Standard Time.

I will announce a Winner for the Box and the Other Winner for my Lampwork the next day September 19th.
I Wish everyone the best Luck in this. It really was alot of fun!


  1. Wooow Janet that is a fantastic necklace and in a lovely boho style :)!! You are a a talented designer!
    I wish I could be in the bead-box game but we are not allowed over here as it is to expensive to send JIIIIIKES ...

  2. Good Morning Sweet Friend!!! You did an awesome job those beads are like candy!!! Have a fantastic weekend and have fun hopping away!!!

  3. Wonderful! You have created a terrific piece of wearable art. I like your use of color and texture. Thank you for sharing your artistic process along the way. I entered your giveaway and hope the box is heading to my place next! Cheers!

  4. Wow, very unusual and interesting design. I love it!

  5. Love the way you softened the focal and gave it mystery:)

  6. You got some great beads to play with! love the colors of your design!

  7. I knew you would create something amazing! Gorgeous!

  8. Hi Janet!
    This looks oh-so-soft, I just want to run my fingers through it. Great piece!

  9. Beautiful, love the soft seafoam and all the texture of the fabric!

  10. Beautiful, I love the colour of the fiber, really brings it all together

  11. It is so amazing the way you have turned around a quite simple and straight forward piece, as she sent you all what it was needed to create a necklace.
    The beads you made are to die for and even though I am not sure about so much fabric, it is an amazing design.
    Good for you!!

  12. Inventive approach to the challenge! We’re all being pushed outside our comfort zones — with amazing results!

    Enjoy the hop,

  13. Janet, this is a very beautiful necklace love the silk ribbon with the lamp work beads tied in. The color of the ribbon is almost the same color as the pendant. I like how you let a little of the pendant peek out behind the ribbon.

  14. The fiber treatment on this necklace is amazing! Wonderful piece!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Hi Janet -- Your soup necklace is really cool. Very soft and touchable! I love your beads with it, too. We had 15 minutes of rain. Did you?

  17. l necklace! I love the feminine colors!

  18. Janet, you've truly outdone yourself with your bead soup! What a innovative design - I went back and looked at the original focal, and how you added the silk ribbon in such an artful way. Your boho style looks so wonderfully wearable - the sort of necklace one would be stopped when wearing - so eye catching! And I think it's really neat to see how you're incorporating your own lampwork more and more...your beads are the perfect finishing touch.

  19. Thank you thank you guys! Sally 15 minutes of rain yes! I was what rain?! lol

  20. Lovely necklace! Life the fiber with this design! Nice work!

  21. A wonderful fairy necklace - I like it!
    Greetings, Michi

  22. GORGEOUS!!! i love the freedom of the ribbon and the whole feel of the piece.

  23. Janet - boho at it's best, that's what this necklace is! Lovely! It's so textural and full of movement, with the ribbons, the beads and that it!

  24. Dear Anonymous when we design something we must feel to design it. I had a hard time with the small lovely beads my partner sent me. The focal it was all pulled together for a certain look. My beads were used because they went with Davinias focal. Im sorry you did not like my design, but this was my choosing.

  25. Definitely a Boho Style design, and I love it - the addition of fibre was a clever idea and suits your soup perfectly.

  26. Interesting! I had to look twice to find the focal! Her rivets in the polymer clay (something I've never seen) must have made the fiber go through like silk (haha, see what I did there?).

    Good job!

    I hope you'll join me next time! The badge and dates will be posted tomorrow, the 19th!

    Love, Lori

  27. Love the Boho style!!! Your lampwork beads went so well with your bead soup.

  28. I have RE~Done my Soup!! Big sigh. Its mush prettier..I think!

  29. I like both necklaces. I think you took a big risk with the first design but it looked very etherial and boho. I like the second one too it is a very different style. Good for you trying both ways and yes you should show off your work it is fabulous and goes with the focal.

  30. Both are beautiful. I am partial to the red myself. It is a great piece.

  31. Well, bless your heart. Sorry you had to endure negative feedback. I think both necklaces are beautiful. It's a shame you did not get two of each of your soup mix, so you could keep the both intact! Have a great week!

  32. I love them both, but because I love shabby chic decorating I think I'm partial to the first one. Either way, you're very talented! Sue (from Multiply).

  33. Oh I like this much better -- it shows off the texture of everything much better, I think, and the colors are more vibrant! Now if I can only make MY necklace work out! In alllll my spare time. Sigh.

  34. Hi Janet, I love the second necklace as much as the first. Great job on both.

  35. Janet, this one is lovely too. It's got a fresh, zippy feel to it, while the other was soft and feminine.

    I admire you for re-working the piece, eventhough you didn't have to.

  36. Janet, I'm so sorry you were hit with an ugly comment. You are truly an artist with integrity, which shows in your desire to rework the piece. Both of them are lovely in their own way. I love vibrant colors, so the rework really speaks to me. I wish I could learn how to use that beautiful sari silk that everyone is designing with! Have a great time with the rest of the hop! Blessings!

  37. I love them both - truly! Way to take a snarky comment and use it positively - the second necklace is great!

  38. I like both of them, Janet! I like the boho style and texture of the first!
    I love the beautiful colors of the redo!
    Great job on both!

  39. Your first necklace was incredibly creative but I really love what you did with it the second time. I love all the color and how it flows together! :)

  40. wooow this new one is more "happy" like it very much GOOD JOB girl :)

  41. I really like the textures of the first necklace. Your second necklace is so bright & lively! Great job on both!!

  42. I'm sad that someone would decide to anonymously criticize you for something that you had every right to do. No where did it say that your focal had to be "front and center" of any design! I liked your first design and I like your second design....make note of the "YOUR". I"m glad that you are happy with the re-do, but sorry you felt obligated.

  43. Wow! -I just love the creative process in action which you have documented very clearly for us here. I really liked the first piece but the 2nd was even better. Its amazing to see your transformation using the same basic components. The beads, the color combination, and the main focal are so unusual and they all came together magnificently!

    Congratulations on work and a creative challenge well done!

  44. What a great necklace! I love the different emotions that both versions create, but I do like that you really showcased the focal in the second one. Very nice!

  45. I think it is inexcusable that someone should choose to criticize you publicly while remaining anonymous. I think we all benefit from asking for honest feedback from people whose skill we admire and whom we trust. But you didn't ask anonymous for a critique. He/she could have said nothing or just something neutral. But you handled it like a pro. I hope your ego isn't too bruised. I admire how brave you were with the first piece to do something unusual, instead of playing it safe.

  46. I think the differences between the necklaces are simply two artistic interpretations, I love them both - I happen to think the first one is *very* creative. I'm posting after 12 CST so I'm out of the running for you give away but wanted to post anyway.

    I will say that I never let anyone dictate what I do creatively. If I listened to my husband I'd be wearing hot pink all the time, lol. Find your own voice and don't let the haters get to you. IMHO you are an original, I hope you stay that way.

  47. Hi Janet I too am sorry you had an unpleasant comment but like someone said you handled it with dignity and grace.
    I love the new design, everything pops and your lampwork beads compliment the bead colours beautifully.
    I actually feel a bit special now you have designed two necklaces using the focal. It just proves what a talented and creative person you are to design two totally different looks using the same soup.
    My hope is that you are happy with your design because that's the most important thing.

  48. I had one great art teacher once who never once criticized anyone's work in a negative way. First she would ask "what do you think of your piece?" If you said you loved it, that was the end of the discussion. If you said you didn't like it but couldn't figure out what to do, she offered suggestions. She was so affirming and positive that it made everyone want to do better. I think people who make snarky, negative anonymous comments are rude. If they don't have the courage of their words they should just shut up! I think that your decision to remake this was a brave one. I like the second one better but liked the first one, too. I love vibrant colors so the 2nd one had my name on it! It's a matter of personal preference and has nothing to do with "good" or "bad." You rock, Janet!

  49. I definitely don't think your first necklace is ugly! Bu t I do think that all the beads (not just the focal) stands out much more in the second one. Great work on both of them!

  50. I think both of the necklaces are gorgeous! I like the use of the fibers in the first necklace and I like the bright colors in the second one. Both are awesome!!!

  51. Great colours in your necklace, I bet it looks fab when you wear it!

  52. Well, I have to agree - the second is ever so much better! Great soup, my friend!

  53. I am so glad you redid the design! The second version is just spectacular! Nice soup and nice work!

  54. I love the bright colors of your necklace, and the rich texture of the different materials- very pretty!

  55. Thank you so everyone!! Davinia thank you for your lovely words!! This is a real fave necklace now bc of your focal! ox

  56. Miss Janet, I am glad that your heart was open to receive the gift of the constructive criticism. I think that most people, and artists are particularly challenged by this, have a hard time accepting that anyone would not love their work. You hold that thing so close to your heart and you can't imagine that others wouldn't feel the same. And although it was likely hard to hear, the fact that your heart remained open rather than closing up is the main thing. Bravo! I think that what you did was show that there are room for revisions in art. And also that you need to be open to other possibilities!

    Well done, my friend.
    Enjoy the day!

  57. You know I like them both but I am really drawn more to the first one your did. It is all dreamy and I love that color scheme.

  58. Ok, I had posted this on your giveaway post and realized my mistake.
    But I love your redo. The colors of the beads really pop and enhance the lovely focal so well. The ribbon with it just adds to the vintage feel and lovely look.

  59. wow is that ever gorgeous! I LOVE it! Love that ribbon use and the colors and textures. Great design!

  60. Great Job on the redo!!! Sometimes the soup is just not quite done!!!! Bravo!!

  61. I actually like the previous incarnation but I also like the re-design. Just shows how you can go so many different ways with the same components.

  62. Fantastic piece! Wow! We’re all being pushed outside our comfort zones — with amazing results!

    Enjoy the hop,

  63. I can't believe you re-did your soup... now THAT's devotion! To be perfectly honest-- I love them both!! I think you did a fabulous job on both designs. Kudos to you for taking constructive criticism and giving it another go :)

  64. I love both versions of your soup - the brighter colors definitely suit my style though - great job!:)

  65. LOVE the new soup! Those colors are perfect together!

  66. Well....both are lovely but I really do like how you played up both the aqua and the peach in the 2nd version! Such a great combination. Beautiful work!

  67. I definitely prefer your NEW version of the necklace. It's much brighter and less . . .cluttered feeling. Plus, it's so PRETTY!! Way to go! Beautiful piece.

  68. Ooooh, I love the redo! Gorgeous! Totally pops! The new color is just amazing!

  69. As long as you re-did it because of yourself. This blog hop is supposed to be about fun and positive energy. I liked both versions, thought I do feel the first lacked a certain something. But it might have just been that you needed more practice encorporating ribbon. I've seen a lot of ribbon in this soup, an intimidating and totally scary jewellery component for me.

  70. I love the re-do it is so pretty. Love the focal. I am not fond of the first one you made but this one rocks. Alice's Beads and Baubles

  71. I also might add this is my first time stopping by so I missed the nasty comment. We all have our won tastes but Art is like that it does not all appeal to everyone that is why we find our niche but as fellow artists we should be able to appreciate the talent and creativity it took to make it even if it is not our style. You might be interested to know I have always loved your beads and the give away juicy beads were what caught my eye- out of the order I have been hopping. Keep showcasing your beads!!!

  72. Hi Janet!
    Sorry so late in stopping by, I haven't been able (yet) to stop by very many blogs as I'm right in the middle of show season...
    Love the mix of your beads with your soup mix! The colors go so well did a wonderful job!

  73. Sorry to hear about the anonymous negative comment. But at least you could get something good out of it: I really like your re-made necklace. There's clearer colours and more focus on the beads rather than the stringing material, which I like. Not that I dislike the first version, it's just that the new one is more my style.

    Great job!

  74. I actually like both. The first one was funky and a bit dark, but it had an edge. The second one really showed off the colors and was soft and sweet.

  75. Love the re-do. Kudos to taking a chance in both the original and the redo :) Not sure what the negative comment said, but remember that a curse without a cause cannot alight! Prov 26:2

  76. That is a great focal and I love the lampwork beads you added to it. Your remake really did that wonderful focal piece justice. It shares the limelight with the colorful lampwork. Nice soup!

  77. I love the redo....I wouldn't call the first one "ugly," but the second one is nice. I love the use of the ribbon, and her beautiful focal shows perfectly.

  78. Still making the rounds and tasting all the bead soups. :) I really like the redo, it has much more life with the ribbon color and lampwork beads. Great work, really nice.

  79. I have to say that I prefer the new piece. There is more chromatic contrast, nice fiber, nice beads and you can see that gorgeous focal. So good on take 2!
    (Sorry I posted this comment also on the wrong blog post)

  80. Lovely work! The first one has too much green 'fur' for my liking ;) but the redo with it's cleaner look and the touch of red works beautifully :)

  81. Still making my way around the hop so I'm really pleased to have seen both the before and after versions. The colours in your remake are a great contrast and set off the focal beautifully. It was really brave of you to redo it and I love the result!


Your Comments here please..and they will be loved and caressed!