Saturday, July 16, 2011

Its a fritty day here! frit Happens!

Frit happens! 
Frit is crushed glass used in Bead making
dating back to 1692 used in the makings of glass
There is a small amount of rain right now.
This is really nice because we never get rain!
I really miss overcast days and we never ever get them. Days that your body and soul just take a breather. I find myself just longing for them! A time for quiet meditation of: 
* things
* life
* a time to unwind
* a slowness to the seasons of my soul..
I never thought Id miss days like this. I miss days I took for granted in the past~dark and thunder and very overcast.
*I even miss the cold!

Today's a frit day for me..and these are frit beads that I torched and wanted to show you!

I got this as a door prize at the Lampworking guild I belong to..its neat!
I believe Lori Brodnax made it. Love this it sits on my desk..



So that is what Ive been doing lately!

Next week? 
Off with my husband to take a Metals class with Gwen Youngblood. Really looking forward to that. Have waited weeks! 

After that? 
Save monies and re-coup!

Have a great day!

What are you up to today?
(I'm doing the rain dance and thanking the Man Upstairs!)


  1. I agree I too look foward to those rainy days to recoup - just as long as it isn't 15 days in a row! Enjoy your class - you've been busy! : )

  2. Janet, your beads just keep getting more and more beautiful! These are amazing! Love the color of the tortoiseshell purple-ish gold ones and the last ones. Lately I've been beading with more peachy pinks and am really enjoying it.

    Yay for cloudy weather! I'm a lover of those thoughtful overcast days too. I've been enjoying two days of it here.

  3. Thank you Patty. When you Lampwork the hours just roll by. Not enough hours in the day! We rarely ever get cloudy overcast days. Just blaring sun and the air is just like a sauna. But Im not from Texas so Im not used to it I guess. It sprinkeled for about 30 min. Argg really want to scream.

  4. Rebekah thank you so for the lovely comments!

    Yea Houston is a cronic place!


  5. Wow - great shots. If you like join us on *Weekendflowers* with this lovely roses! :) LG Tina

  6. I sometimes like the rainy days but then I love the snow days more! You beads look incredible!


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