Friday, May 27, 2011

Frustration comes..

Frustration comes..

But in frustration comes determination..
What else do we have to do but go Up? So Janet's started her  Journey. My Beads are round and pretty but Ive got so much to learn. Ive posted some great Round beads and then some that aren't that great. There is so much to Lampwork! But these are MY steps and one day I will look back and Smile a big smile.

And say You did it..

So I bought this Jellyfish tutorial by Mary Lockwood. I cant wait to try it..down the road, hopefully not too far in the near future. Ill put the new colour cartridge in the printer tonite and print it out. Even my husband cant wait to see it. I understand how things are done tho which is good so I start.

Its just Learning the Glass I tell myself. 
I want more servings!
Like learning to ride my bicycle..

No Lampworking today
..its Friday..
I need a rest!

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. You can totally do it!!!XOXO it will be gorgeous!

  2. you can do it, but enjoy the journey also!!

  3. Thank you guys! Its a long process! Learning the glass and what I can do with it..

  4. Rebecca said...
    Girlfriend...your work is amazing! Simply incredible. Today I pray God's blessings upon you and that He will guide your talented hands and you learn and learn and learn some more!



    May 29, 2011 3:59 PM


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