Saturday, March 5, 2011

Today there was much Joy!

I love this picture so much..

Something I love about this picture! Maybe its the purples and lavenders, the outside breezes and country side. And so it brings my heart to Home.. Today with the gorgeous weather my thoughts travel in the winds of time  to Lovingston Virginia~Home. My father lived in a nice house on top of a hill, the driveway was steep and you had to drive up that hill. He kept it graveled and there was a covered bridge over the stream at the bottom ground where you could see small fish, and occasionally a small snake dart out from the weeds. You could see a vineyard to the right it was a real working vineyard that sold wines around the State. The neighbor across the way had a nice barn to see and you could see his house faintly thru the trees. The old couple the Fitzgerald's lived to the right. They must of had 200 acres such beautiful farmland and a stream running thru it. But Cornelia and Almond her husband are gone now. People said she ripped people off that worked for her, but we loved her. The Fortune House way over to the right past the vineyard it was. It was said that the carpets were rolled up many many years ago for dancing when people were invited. The house was vacant many years. My father had 50 acres. So I miss the countryside but some of you have that..the stillness and quietness. The music of the crickets. We had some really big snowfalls too. The farmer down the way would come in and hay it for free just to get rid of the hay, and oh how the hay was so fragrant smelling. Felix was our black horse and you could see him run thru the bottom fields just a galloping! We hung out the clothes on the top of the hill and it dried so quickly. Dorothy my Mother made beautiful porcelain dolls. Boy I wish I had her kiln now! Moms 88. Time sure passes. Sometimes there's hardship, but it always passes. And we hang on with the strength that I believe was instilled into our hearts at birth.

To those who might be struggling right now I will say..soon the snows will melt and the birds will sing! The trees will bud and the faithful flowers will bloom. The grass will put on its frock of green lushness and I will let the fragrance of Springtime waft in..

My husband bought me outside Miracle grow soil for the roses, black chips for the front bed, lawn fertilizer and pink creeping phlox. Yes its been a wonderful day! Ohhh do I love to garden. Can't wait to put it out tomorrow. 

I hope you all have a lovely evening and bright and pretty day tomorrow.
Tomorrow I'm going to church. He makes everything alright when my heart is heavy. Today my heart was so full of Joy!


  1. Can't wait to hang laundry out on the line!

  2. Oh what a beautiful post. I could see my aunt's farm with the laundry hanging and the rolling hills. Thank you!

  3. It was lovely there. You'll always have those memories in your heart :)

  4. Thank you for your comments they are so appreciated xx

  5. Oh, Janet...I love your pieces and your stories! So interesting and amazing, and your work is beautiful!

  6. Hi Janet, thanks for swinging by! Love the pieces you're working on, the colors are so much fun. Those ceramic pendants are darling, great job! Riki

  7. Some pretty things to work with!!!!!


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