Saturday, March 19, 2011

It was Time for a Lampwork class

I'm so excited about torching now! My husband and I took a class 3 years ago, a really long time ago to forget things. But actually it was basically an introduction to Lampwork. And a watch class 2 years ago. Then months ago my husband was in hospital several times. So now with the classes so far back I thought "You need a class to learn basics and to learn what you're doing". Learning and taking a class you cut right to the quick without wasting great time and glass. So yesterday I was really Stoked to take a private class. I drove way up into the countryside of Montgomery and met Leah Nelson. She was so forth coming and I really felt the Joy come back as Lampworking has been a passion of mine for a long time. She taught me the basics, but actually I did pretty well I think. She was great in answering basic questions too. There is one thing about watching videos but to have a hands on personal teacher was what I knew I needed. Leah was just great! I cant show you beads right now, but she will mail them to me. Just wanted to share my Joy and my latest doings. 

Part of Leah's work area station..

So here is my teacher Leah Nelson..
pretty as a picture!

Leah's house..

So what am I doing today? 
(what else is there?)

Have a great day and thank you for stopping by!


  1. How exciting!!! Sounds like a great experience. Can't wait to see your creations.

  2. Hey Janet, had some time to really look at things around your site and just wanted to say how beautiful your work is! I've never tried working with glass or making beads, I really love the lampwork you are doing!
    Keep up the good work and keep having fun!


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