Thursday, March 31, 2011

I made a Treasury!

I made this today and will be featuring more talented Artisans in future. So many people are doing wonderful things! With the weather changing in many places and soon hopefully to change in others..we all dream of Springtime ahead!

I hope you enjoy!

You can see it HERE!



  1. Ive switched this around a zillion times..hopefully is it corrected now!

  2. Janet, I was able to view your Treasury it is quite magical and perfect for Spring. So many wonderful Etsy artists and many I was not familiar with. One of these days I'd like to create one too.

  3. Wonderful springy treasury! I never manage to time it right to make one :)

  4. Your Treasury is great! I love the owls. I've done two Treasury's and I will tell you it takes me forever! I think I over think it! :)

  5. Thank you for posting your "wonky" beads and the jewellery you made with it. It was just what I needed today. I am a new beader (very new) and I get a bit overwhelmed with all the beautiful pieces I see on blogs. Can't seem to find any beginner beader blogs :) It gives me hope that I will also get better - practice makes perfect!
    Chriz’Creative Spot


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