Well Ive been pretty busy at my Michael's job hosting parties and demonstrations. The other day I had to do a YuDu screen printing one. Not the easiest without water. It was good bc only 3 people came and asked about it! Getting things ready now for Mothers day events for kids.
There was a sale on at the store thank Goodness 60% off. Ive been busy and made a wreath for my front door. Silk flowers can be expensive. This wreath was $48.00 to make on sale. Regular prices would of cost $80 to $100. I also made another wreath like this one but all lovely shades of greens and yellow forsythia to be sold at Michael's I put a tag on it for $129.00. Now that felt pretty good. I need a camera phone to show all that Ive been doing. So pretty happy about that. This wreath could easily sell for $300.00 and up as Ive seen some pretty high priced things in some shops here. My husbands daughters coming from Scotland so sprucing things up a bit. I think Ill start my chicken salad tonite for them. What I do is put 4 chicken breasts in the crock pot on low with a can of cream of celery, cooking over night. In the morning all is so tender! I then take it out of the liquid and put it into the fridge for later. The meat is wondeful, to me that is the only way to cook it is in a slow crok pot. Later I add celery and whatever else you like.
Also two new necklaces here that Ive submitted to the Art Bead Scene. Opting to understated elegance...simple and elegant!
Other than that all is well and its starting to get a bit humid. Not looking forward to that, when all the flowers will shrivel. No matter how much you water them its just too hot here in Summertime.
Must get finished up here and off to some beauty sleep. Night all!